Parking Guide for University of Akron


Ensuring Your Car’s Security: Essential Anti-Theft & Safety Tips

In an age where vehicle thefts are on the rise, safeguarding your car has never been more critical. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a newbie on the road, here are some indispensable car safety tips to keep in mind when planning your next parking job:

    1. Lock Your Vehicle: Always lock your car when you leave it, even if you’ll only be away for a short time. Thieves look for easy targets.
    2. Use Anti-Theft Devices: Consider using steering wheel locks, wheel clamps, or electronic immobilizers to make it more difficult for thieves to steal your car.
    3. Check for Anti-Theft Upgrades: Stay informed about anti-theft upgrades for your specific vehicle model. For example, in response to increasing and persistent thefts targeting certain Hyundai vehicles without push-button ignitions and immobilizing anti-theft devices, Hyundai has introduced a free anti-theft software upgrade for affected customers. All of the nearly 4 million vehicles involved are now eligible to receive the software upgrade. Check to see if your model has upgrades available. (Hyundai – Anti-Theft Software Upgrade (

      For more information about Hyundais and Kias eligible for upgrades: Hyundai, Kia Provide Anti-Theft Software Update | NHTSA
    4. Install a Car Alarm: If your vehicle doesn’t have one, consider installing a car alarm to deter theft attempts.
    5. Park in Well-Lit Areas: Whenever possible, park your car in well-lit areas, especially at night. Thieves prefer dark corners.
    6. Secure Valuables: Don’t leave valuables in plain sight in your car. Store them in the trunk or take them with you.
    7. Review Your Insurance: Ensure your car insurance covers theft, and consider comprehensive coverage for added protection.
    8. Keep Your Keys Secure: Don’t leave your car keys in an easily accessible location. Keep them in a secure place when you’re not using them.
    9. Stay Informed: Stay updated on local theft trends and take necessary precautions, especially if your car model is frequently targeted.
    10. Report Suspicious Activity: If you witness suspicious behavior around vehicles, such as someone trying car door handles, report it to the authorities.

    By following these general safety tips and staying informed about anti-theft upgrades for your specific vehicle model, you can help protect your car from theft and ensure a safer driving experience.